I2P and the Blockchain with DIVA

In the past months, DIVA has been continuously and significantly developed: the network layer, based on I2P, and the blockchain (“divachain”) have been improved.

The external download numbers of the I2P library of DIVA.EXCHANGE as well as the modern and general-purpose blockchain solution “divachain” have increased significantly.

Recently, a guest lecture by DIVA.EXCHANGE on the topics “Darknet”, “I2P”, “Blockchain” and “Privacy” took place at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

Free Banking Technology for Everyone

Developing “free banking technology for everyone” requires continuous research and development. As an association, DIVA.EXCHANGE is making these efforts and developing open systems, software and processes for all. This means that all research and development work is freely accessible to all interested parties.

Guest lectures and conferences

DIVA.EXCHANGE is always present at conferences and gives guest lectures. Depending on the topic, also together with researchers or students. Here is an example of a guest lecture (slide set in German) at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in the field of forensics on the topic of “I2P” and “Darknet”.

State of research and development

Software development is made available to all in public “repositories”. For DIVA, these are Github and as a mirror also Codeberg. The DIVA.EXCHANGE team is also always particularly happy to receive feedback, tests and of course “stars” or favourites on Github and Codeberg.

In these “repositories” you will always find the latest versions for download – including technical documentation.

Weekly download figures of the DIVA packages can be found here or here.

Where can I ask questions?

It is best to ask all questions publicly in the Telegram chat of DIVA.EXCHANGE – German or English.

Further links

Slide set, guest lecture DIVA.EXCHANGE HSLU, May 20th, 2022 (in German): https://www.diva.exchange/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/hslu-forensic-20220520.html

Public chat of the DIVA.EXCHANGE community, German and English: https://t.me/diva_exchange_chat_de

Privacy, simply explained: https://www.diva.exchange/en/privacy/privacy-simply-explained/

Instructions for beginners in I2P, English: https://github.com/diva-exchange/i2p

Video channel: https://lbry.tv/@diva.exchange:d

Introduction in I2P, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I2P

DIVA.EXCHANGE Testnet: https://testnet.diva.exchange

DIVA.EXCHANGE on Github: https://github.com/diva-exchange